Penerapan Material Sisik Ikan Nila Sebagai Embellishment Pada Busana Pesta


  • Putih Nuansa Bulan Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian Telkom University


Abstract The use of fish scales has not been done optimally, because so far it has only been used as a fashion and bridal wear accessory. One of the bridal fashion designers used fish scales as an application of embellishment. The use of embellishment as an application in clothing by some people, ranging from beads of various types. Generally, people use embellishment from swarovski, pearls, Japanese sequins, and sequins. With this phenomenon the author intends to raise the potential of fish scales as an application of embellishment to party dresses. The study was conducted using qualitative methods by collecting data through direct and indirect observation, interviews, and exploration of fish scales. Exploration carried out in the form of experiments using several different techniques. The techniques used include bleaching, coloring, and embellishment techniques such as beading, pleats, and layering as supporting technique.

Keywords: Nila fish scales, Embellishment, Party dress






Program Studi S1 Kriya