Penerapan Sisik Ikan Gurami Sebagai Embellishment Pada Kebaya Khas Jawa Barat


  • Azma Nurfa Agisna Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustin Siagian Telkom University


Abstract Gouramy or called Indonesian Goramy is one of the fish native to Indonesian waters. Gourami originates from the waters of Sunda (West Java). Production centers or areas for developing gouramy cultivation are among them in Bogor, the level of fish consumption in the future is estimated to continue to increase from year to year. The potential of Gurami scales in the application of embellishment to be developed as a decorative element in West Javanese kebaya and to make alternative sequin material from pre-existing materials. This study uses the interview method, namely by conducting interviews directly with informants from the West Java marine and fisheries service and one of the owners of the Bogor Regency prime mina gurame. Conduct a library study method that is by searching data through journals, articles and the internet that can provide a fact. The exploration is carried out by applying different techniques such as embroidery, beading, coloring, bleaching. The four techniques used in the application of embellishment from gouramy scales material will produce new developments in West Javanese kebaya.

Keywords: Gouramy, Embellishment, Kebaya West Java






Program Studi S1 Kriya