Pengolahan Limbah Kulit Kopi Arabica Sebagai Pewarna Alam Pada Produk Fesyen


  • Fiqih Ma’alhunah Telkom University
  • Aldi Hendrawan Telkom University


ABSTRAC Coffee plants are one of the plants that are widely cultivated in Indonesia. Coffee skin contains pigments that have the potential to be used as natural coloring agents for textiles, namely tannin pigments. This study uses a qualitative research methodology with an experimental approach, where the process of collecting data is done by literature study, observation, and interviews. The results of coloring without the addition of other substances will produce a brownishnuanced color on the fabric where the longer the dyeing process is carried out the more old and concentrated the resulting color. The addition of mordans in the dyeing process results in more diverse colors. Mordan used in the research is mordan alum and mordan tunjung because this mordan is the most maximal. The resulting color in the dyeing process depends on the mordan, time, temperature, and amount of dyeing. Fabric processing uses obstacle dyeing techniques and also bleaching techniques that will produce the desired motif. natural dyes using coffee bean skin waste originating from the village of Rawabogo, Ciwidey, Bandung with optimal processing as a coloring technique on the fabric.
Keywords: Waste coffee bean skin, Natural color coloring and Fashion Craft






Program Studi S1 Kriya