Pengolahan Limbah Tekstil Dengan Teknik Mixed Media Untuk Pembuatan Produk Fashion Accessories


  • Karima Karima Telkom University
  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University


Bandung is an industrial city which produces a lot of production waste every year, one being industrial textile waste. Industrial textile waste that is discarded without processing can pollute the environment. Industrial textile waste can be used with various techniques, one of them is mixed media techniques. Mixed media is a technique that combines various media and/or material without restrictions. Research was conducted in Bandung to maximise processing and utilisation of industrial textile waste. Products that can be made using Industrial textile waste with mixed media techniques are fashion accessories bags and shoes themed “bunga nusantara and fairy taleâ€. Manufacturing of these products listed above started with observation of locations where waste was prevalent to utilise to make these products and also interviews with the industrial assistant to obtain further information in regards to quantity of waste, type of waste and other relevant data from textile waste produced. The researcher conducted a literature review through electronic media and visited libraries to complete the research. Selected textile waste was explored to know what kind of mixed media techniques that correctly applied to the product with best composition. The result of the study show that textile waste can be processed with mixed media techniques to make fashion accessories bags and shoes themed “bunga nusantara and fairy tale†as design inspiration.

Textile Waste, Mixed Media, Fashion Accessories, Bunga Nusantara, Fairy Tale.






Program Studi S1 Kriya