Perancangan Busana Menswear Menggunakan Teknik Bordir Dengan Inspirasi Lava Pahoehoe Gunung Tangkuban


  • Cut Eriva Putriana Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Telkom University


Abstract Bandung was again declared the best tourism city in the implementation of Indonesia Attractivness Award (IAA) 2018 (Bandung City Public Relations, 2018). Mount Tangkuban Perahu in Bandung which has visual charms such as the morphology of the inverted boat, shades of ash and Lava Pahoehoe (Mount Sunda and Lake Bandung Purba). The men's clothing market in the world rises to 4.5% in a year far beyond womenswear (, 2017).The development of menswear clothing is currently being focused on the concept of nature. Based on the above phenomenon, Tangkuban Perahu Mountain is Lava Pahoehoe which will be applied with embroidery techniques.

Keywords Lava Pahoehoe, Menswear, Embroidery






Program Studi S1 Kriya