Perancangan Busana Ready To Wear Menggunakan Metode Zero Waste Dengan Kombinasi Tenun Baduy


  • Siti Audinna Kharimah Telkom University
  • Faradillah Nursari Telkom University


Abstrack The need for ready-to-wear clothing is currently increasing. The increase had a positive impact on the economy but on the other hand there was a negative impact on fashion production, one of which was a large amount of fabric waste so that the fashion industry became the second largest waste contributor after oil. Seeing these problems there is a way to minimize the amount of ready-to-wear production waste, which is needed in a fashion design with the zero waste concept. In this election, the design was based on exploring the zero waste pattern concept in clothing by combining it with traditional fabrics. The chosen traditional cloth is Baduy weaving. Baduy Weaving has unique visual characteristics with simple geometric motifs. In the design of this study the results of selection exploration have produced four look of ready-to-wear women's clothing in a vibrant style. The fashion design in this study is ready-to-wear combined with Baduy weaving which uses the zero waste fashion method. Researchers expect to be able to provide alternative choices in creating a dress.

Keywords: Ready-to-wear fashion, Zero Waste Pattern Design, Baduy Weaving






Program Studi S1 Kriya