Perancangan Busana Ready-To-Wear Dengan Teknik Zero Waste Fashion Design Studi Kasus : Pola Busana Geometris Kimono


  • Nadia Ameliasari Telkom University
  • Faradillah Nursari Telkom University


Abstract Zero waste fashion design is a clothing design technique with an effective application so that it doesn’t produce much waste from cloth pieces. The zero waste fashion design technique has been implemented since ancient times when the technology of making material and the process of producing clothing is still relatively simple because of the high level of difficulty. The basic form of traditional clothing tends to adapt geometric fashion forms. Considering the material produced for these garments is generally woven with the final dimensions in the form of basic geometric, square. One outfit that has a basic square geometric pattern is a kimono because the kimono pattern has the potential to be modified by using pieces of cloth so that not many pieces of cloth are left in the pre-production process. This study aims to find effective pattern designs and constructions so that there is not much waste in pre-production clothing. This research process uses qualitative methodology by collecting data through field observations to find out the dimensions of the fabric market in the city of Bandung. This research was conducted by examining the zero waste fashion technique in the kimono pattern. The geometric shape of the basic pattern of kimono clothing is used to streamline the fabric to create a zero waste fashion pattern on the dimensions of the fabric is 150 cm wide and the length of the fabric is adjusted. The results of this study are women’s modified kimono clothing with a zero waste fashion technique totaling four looks for daily wear that can be an alternative to ecofriendly clothing and a reference for the fashion designer.
Keywords Zero Waste, Geometric Clothing Pattern, Kimono.






Program Studi S1 Kriya