Perancangan Busybook Sebagai Produk Merchandise Untuk Yayasan Hayu Maca


  • Husna Natalisa Telkom University
  • Rima Febriani Telkom University


Abstract Indonesia placed second in the lowest of 61 countries in research on the level of literacy of a country. The results of this study are quotes from the very low reading interest of the Indonesian people. From most of the communities that were moved to build a reading interest of the Indonesian people, one of them was the Hayu Maca Foundation which has been engaged in literacy for 2 years. Storytelling is one of the efforts to increase children's interest in reading, with this Hayu Maca Foundation often brings the story of Landi Si Landak, Mamau Harimau, Gaga Si Gajah and others which are icons of the iconic Hayu Maca Foundation. The iconic character of the Hayu Maca Foundation displays their merchandise which consists of Tshirts and Pins. Researchers see this as a business opportunity to make merchandise products related to literacy. Collecting research data with qualitative data collection methods by collecting interview data, observation, literature study and experimentation. One product related to literacy and also in accordance with the market target of the Hayu Maca Foundation is a Busybook. The researcher will design Busybook with the iconic character of the Maca Hayu Foundation, Landi Si Landak, this Busybook will contain various fine motor activities, life skills and tell about Hedgehogs in their habitat. Busybook made from dry fit cotton fabric which is printed with digital printing techniques and given a surface application technique to make fine motor activities and contains stories about Landi Si Landak Jawa in it. This busybook will be aimed at children between 45 years old. The results of this study indicate that the Busybook created by the author has the advantage of other busybooks in the market, namely the stories in them. This story can increase knowledge about Javanese hedgehogs, increase children's reading interest and early reading skills.
Keywords Busybook, merchandise, Business Opportunities, Hayu Maca Foundation, Landi Si Landak






Program Studi S1 Kriya