Perancangan Produk Fesyen Menggunakan Teknik Rekalatar Tekstil Yang Terinspirasi Dari Jajanan Tradisional Bandung


  • Yunawanti Yunawanti Telkom University
  • Widia Nur Utami Bastaman Telkom University


Abstract Bandung city is famous for its culinary city by having a diversity of food. And one that has been widely known since long ago is surabi and various flavored kue balok become a favorite that is currently in great demand. The visual potential of surabi and kue balok can be used as inspiration because it has a unique topping texture, color, and shape. By using qualitative methods with an exploration of embroidery techniques, digital printing, and add-on applications. Seeing the development of fashion food trends, the writer is inspired to make ready to wear deluxe. Thus, the results of this design are expected to be used as a reference for fashion products inspired by visual surabi and kue balok.
Keywords Surabi, Kue Balok, Fashion Products, Embroidery, Digital Printing, and Application






Program Studi S1 Kriya