Perancangan Produk Tekstil Merchandise Untuk Nihon No Matsuri Di Telkom University Menggunakan Teknik Digital Printing Dan Embroidery


  • Pavitasari Eka Syahananta Telkom University
  • Rima Febriani Telkom University


Japanese culture in Indonesia is quite popular, it is elevated by the booming state of Japanese pop culture in early 2000s especially in Indonesia. This phenomenon triggers the rise of events in the form of Japanese culture festival. One of them is Nihon n o Matsuri that is held in Telkom University Bandung to promote traditional and popular culture to general public. Nihon no Matsuri offers wide range of merchandises to the visitors but the product is yet to be maximally utilized, mainly in terms of merchandises made of textile. This is proven by the need of merchandises for Nihon no Matsuri.
Therefore, in this study, the writer will gives recommendation as alternative to merchandise in form of bag using furoshiki and origami technique inspired from Tanabata tree so it can be a business opportunity in the future.
For this study, the writer uses qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods is carried out by having interview with the head of 12th Nihon no Matsuri, along with observing merchandise sold on the event and the event itself while quantitative methods is executed by distributing questionnaire to the committee of Nihon no Matsuri and the visitors to know how is the interest and purchase potential of the recomended merchandise that is bag.

Nihon no Matsuri, Japanese Culture Festival, Merchandise Product, Bag






Program Studi S1 Kriya