Pengembangan Kain Tenun Gedog Tuban Bertekstur dengan Teknik Manipulating Fabric


  • Syifa Rachmawati Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


Abstract The author sees the potential of the textured Tuban’s Gedog woven fabric that exists in Fajar Ciptandi's
research in 2017 to be developed. Then the authors develop the fabric by providing more value through the stages of
literature review, observation, interviews and exploration to find the right technique, namely manipulating fabric with
embroidery that utilizes existing textures. Then the design process is carried out until the creation of a ready-to-wear
deluxe fashion collection by raising a rustic theme which is related to the philosophy of life and the characteristics of the
Tuban’s Gedog woven fabric, namely beauty in simplicity and imperfection.
Keywords: Gedog Tuban Woven Fabric, Textured Gedog Tuban Woven Fabric, Textile.






Program Studi S1 Kriya