Redesain Interior Museum Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi


  • Kaisar Prabakusuma Widjaya Telkom University
  • Ratri Wulandari Telkom University
  • Vika Haristianti Telkom University


Abstrak Museum merupakan salah satu tempat atau lembaga yang menyimpan dan memamerkan benda-benda bersejarah, bernilai tinggi, dan benda yang dapat menjadi sumber ilmu pengetahuan. Salah satu museum yang menyimpan benda bersejarah tersebut adalah MuseumMandala Wangsit Siliwangi. Museum ini menyimpan benda sejarah perjuangan militer divisi Siliwangi di Jawa Barat. Pada awalnya museum ini hanyalah sebuah rumah perwira Belanda yang direbut tentara Siliwangi, dan dijadikan markas serta gudang penyimpanan senjata. Setelah kejadian bersejarah pemberontakan DI/TII yang menyebabkan gugurnya mayor Lembong di markas tersebut, akhirnya tempat tersebut diabadikan dan dijadikan museum. Terdapat beberapa masalah perancangan interior pada museum ini, antara lain: manajemen museum yang tidak memenuhi stnadarisasi, tidak terkonsepnya ruangan museum, penyajian objek tidak memenuhi standarisasi, dan objek koleksi yang tidak sesuai dengan storyline yang dibuat. Metode pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui survei, observasi, dan wawancara. Didukung dengan data sekunder dari studi pustaka. Perancangan ini membahas konsep museum yang memunculkan karakter militer divisi Siliwangi, perubahan sistem pendisplayan objek pamer sesuai standarisasi, dan penyusunan kembali storyline museum. Kata kunci: Redesain, Museum Mandala Wangsit, Konsep, Storyline Abstract The museum is one place or institution that stores and exhibits historic objects, high value, and objects that can be a source of knowledge. One of the museums that holds historical objects is the Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum. This museum keeps historical objects of the military struggle of the Siliwangi division in West Java. At first this museum was just a house of Dutch officers who were captured by the Siliwangi army, and made the headquarters and armory. After the historic DI / TII rebellion that caused the death of the Lembong major at the base, the place was finally enshrined and made into a museum. There are several interior design problems in this museum, including: museum management that does not meet the standardization, the concept of the museum room is not conceptualized, object presentation does not meet standardization, and collection objects that do not fit the storyline created. Primary data collection methods are done through surveys, observations, and interviews. Supported by secondary data from literature study. This design discusses the concept of the museum that gave rise to the military character of the Siliwangi division, changes in the display system of display objects according to standardization, and the rearrangement of the museum storyline. Keywords: Redesign, Mandala Wangsit Museum, Concept, Storyline






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior