Perancangan Interior Co-working Dan Makerspace Di Creative Hub Summarecon Bandung


  • Faisal Nadzarul Insan Telkom University
  • Hendi Anwar Telkom University
  • Maysitha Fitri Az Zahra Telkom University


ABSTRAK/ ABSTRACT Dikota bandung terdapat pembangunan kota baru yang disebut dengan kota Summarecon Bandung yang dibangun sejak tahun 2015 di Daerah Kecamatan Gede Bage. Pembangunan kota ini bertujuan sebagai pusat pelayanan kota (PPK) baru yang telah ditetapkan pada 2004 silam. Sebagai Pusat Pelayanan Kota, praktis wilayah Gede Bage direncanakan menjadi pusat baru bagi kota bandung sehingga seluruh sarana penunjang akan terealisasikan disana. Pusat baru kota ini juga diproyeksikan menjadi kota berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Dengan luasan 800 hektare area Gede Bage diharapkan akan bergabung perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang teknologi, informasi dan komunikasi. (Wonderful life, Vol 8. 2nd Edition, 2016). Dengan begitu dalam rencana ini, akan menghadirkan berbagai pelayanan publik salah satunya pusat yang mewadahi kegiatan kreatif yang menunjang sektor industri kreatif dan para pegiatnya yaitu creative hub. Perancangan creative hub ini pun dipengaruhi oleh aspek pandemi yang mengharuskan penerapan standar protokol anjuran pemerintah. Maka pengadaptasian protokol kesehatan ini akan diimplementasikan pada 3 sistem yaitu sirkulasi yang berjarak antar furnitur di area workshop dan area kerja, lalu dengan adanya penyemprotan desinfektan pada ruangan menggunakan teknologi sensorik seperti sprinkler setelah dan sebelum ada kegiatan, yang terakhir penerapan material easy clean pada furnitur yang intensitas sentuhan tangan yang tinggi. Maka perancangan interior creative hub ini akan lebih mengadaptasi dari beberapa studi banding dengan perbandingan pada segi fasilitas yang menunjang kegiatan didalamnya serta pengorganisasian ruang. Tentunya juga perancangan Creative Hub harus mengadaptasi dalam standar protokol kesehatan sesuai anjuran pemerintah. Setelah menentukan tema “changes in the habits & activites of the creative hub†merupakan yang didapat dari proses analisis konstektual dan analisis tujuan dari pembangunan Summarecon Bandung sendiri. Melalui proses tersebut diharapkan dapat menghadirkan perancangan creative hub didaerah Summarecon Bandung yang bisa mempresentasikan integritas Summarecon Bandung dan berjalannya kegiatan Creative Hub pada saat pandemi maupun paska pandemi (New Normal) tetap memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal dengan fasilitas pendukung sesuai protokol kesehatan serta mendapat apresiasi dan menjadi tumpuan bagi masyarakat dalam memaksimalkan kemampuan sebagai pelaku industri kreatif. Kata Kunci : ICT, Creative Hub, Covid-19 In the city of Bandung there is a new city development called the city of Summarecon Bandung which was built since 2015 in the Gede Bage District. The city development aims to become a new city service center (PPK) which was established in 2004. As a City Service Center, practically the Gede Bage area is planned to become a new center for the city of Bandung so that all supporting facilities will be realized there. The new city center is also projected to become a city based on Information and Communication Technology. With an area of 800 hectares, the Gede Bage area is expected to join forces with companies engaged in technology, information and communications. (Wonderful life, Vol 8. 2nd Edition, 2016). In this way, this plan will present various public services, one of which is a center for creative activities that support the creative industry sector and its activists, namely the creative hub. The design of this creative hub is also influenced by the pandemic aspect which requires the implementation of standard government recommended protocols. Then the adaptation of this health protocol will be implemented in 3 systems, namely circulation that is spaced between furniture in the workshop area and work area, then with the spraying of disinfectants in the room using sensory technology such as sprinklers after and before any activity, the last is the application of easy clean materials on furniture that is high intensity of hand touch. So this creative hub interior design will better adapt from several comparative studies with comparisons in terms of facilities that support the activities in it as well as space organization that underlies the experience of space that makes an impression for the user. Of course, the Creative Hub design must also adapt the standard health protocols according to government recommendations. After determining the theme " changes in the habits & activites of the creative hub " are obtained the process of contextual analysis and analysis of the objectives of the development of Summarecon Bandung itself. Through this process, it is hoped that the design of a creative hub in the Summarecon Bandung area can present the integrity of Summarecon Bandung and stimulate the creativity of creative actors in their work. then the Creative Hub activities during the pandemic and post-pandemic (New Normal) continued to provide maximum service with supporting facilities according to health protocols and received appreciation and became a foundation for the community in maximizing their abilities as creative industry players. Key Word : ICT, Creative Hub, Covid-19.






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior