
  • Farah Fahira Julana Telkom University
  • Riky Azharyandi Siswanto Telkom University
  • Lira Anindita Utami Telkom University


Improper waste management results in environmental contamination, affecting land,
water, and air quality. This contamination fosters disease-spreading animals like rats,
cockroaches, and mosquitoes. Indonesia ranks as the world9s second-largest plastic waste
contributor, generating 14.96 million tons annually with 6.8 million tons unprocessed due to low
awareness and weak regulations. The habit of littering of adults can be passed onto their
children, highlighting the importance of teaching waste management to young children for
environmental care and discipline. This research aims to raise awareness using qualitative and
quantitative data to produce an educational illustration book to instil waste management
principles in children and shape their character.

Keywords: Children, Education, Illustration Book, Waste Management


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Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual