
  • Alika Putri Setiadjie Telkom University
  • Dimas Krisna Aditya Telkom University
  • Yelly Andriani Barlian Telkom University


Excessive use of social media may potentially lead to an addiction that has
negative effects on a person’s wellbeing. Indonesian young adults are particularly
vulnerable to be addicted to social media because Indonesian young adults use the most
social media compared to other age groups and they have an average social media usage
duration that exceeds the recommended usage. Apple, Android, and third-party
developers have provided applications that is marketed to help users to limit and control
their social media usage to overcome social media addiction. However, those applications
are proven to be ineffective to limit and control social media usage due to the lack of
restriction or due to the nature of the application itself. This research aims to design an
alternative media that is able to effectively track, limit, and control social media usage by
combining the strengths and improving the weaknesses of the built-in and third-party
applications in order to overcome social media addiction. To conduct this research, the
author uses qualitative method to collect data, namely with observation, interview,
literature study, and questionnaire. To analyze the data, the author uses matrix analysis.
The final media that is created for this research is an application design. Benefits of this
media is to be able to give an effective alternative to limit and control social media usage
in young adults..

Keywords: social media addiction, screen time, young adults


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Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual