Pemanfaatan Teknik Lipat-Ikat Celup untuk Menghasilkan Tekstur pada Kain Busana


  • Annisa Salsabila Telkom University
  • Aquamila Prizilla Telkom University


The presence of texture on textiles can add more aesthetic value and form an interesting visualization. Texture development will be applied to the surface of the fabric with the final product in the form of clothing that is comfortable to use in daily life. The techniques that will be used in the texture development are fold-tie-dye technique. The texture devlopment will refers to a trend forecasting has been selected to be used as inspiration in creating the texture in this thesis. Clothing that has textures from the development of fold-tie-dye technique is still minimal in the market. Thus, texture development on the surface of the fabric is a very interesting thing to do. Texture development on fabric surfaces with fold-tie-dye technique is expected to provide new options and references in the processing of textile fabrics in the fashion world. Keywords : Fold-Tie-Dye Techniques; Fabric Manipulation; Texture






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode