perancangan buku ilustrasi diet nutrisi
The pattern of current public life tend to not pay attention to the pattern of healthy life, especially among teenagers, because they think that their bodies are still healthy and strong then they are free to follow the pattern of life like they want to. From a mind like that, there was a problem of obesity that targeted them. According to Riskesdas data 2007, 8,8 percent of the population aged 15 years or older who have excess weight and 10,3 percent are obese. The research is how to design a diet nutritions book and make the teenagers to participate on diet and living with a healthy lifestyle. Gathering data is done through observation, survey, interviews, and study library. The result is the Dietary (the acronym of diet and a diary) books, diet book discusses about the introdustion of nutrition and diet, then there will be tips – tips in a diet the nutrients, page to be used as a place to write diary, and some flip upp in a book. The theme that will be used is chic to impress elegant, fashionable, and dynamic. The benefits of this study is expected with the Dietary, readers could be enticed to go on a diet with the way a healthy lifestyle, as well as about calories that needed by the body in everyday, especially among teenagers.