Eksplorasi Teknik Sablon Pada Produk Ready To Wear Dengan Inspirasi Lukisan Jackson Pollock


  • Dienna Shintia Telkom University
  • Rika Nugraha Telkom University


The potential in the concept of merging technique sablon waterbase oilbase and inspired by the
paintings of Jackson Pollock drip on the design created in order to have novelty value,
functionality, aesthetic as well as a uniqueness that can be received by the public at large, which
was allocated on clothing ready to wear. Through the merger of nonindustrial and indusrial
techniques. Engineering industrial engineering covering the areas repair, design and installation
of integral systems consisting of humans, materials, information, equipment and energy in
manual screen printing techniques apply. And non industrial techniques are applied to
manufacture technique of color splash inspired on the painting of Jackson Pollock with a play of
colors paint can produce a freedom of imagination as a form of abstract art.

Keywords: ready to wear, screen printing, Jackson Pollock painting, uniqueness






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode