Pemanfaatan Limbah Sendok Plastik Untuk Diaplikasikan Pada Produk Perhiasan


  • Izdihar Dara Nabila Telkom University
  • Rika Nugraha Telkom University


In rural and urban, waste is always present as a consequence of human activities. Productivity of waste in metropolitan city like bandung high enough. The density of the population and the increasing of living standard of society indirectly influence the increase of waste volume. Waste generated one of them in the form of waste plastic, for example the waste plastic spoon that can only be used once. So far, the utilization of plastic spoon waste is much intended for interior complement, but the techniques used still need to be processed further in order to produce products that have more aesthetic value. In this study the author use a heating technique with several kinds of tools that can deliver heat. By looking at the potential of plastic spoons the author want to develop research on waste plastic spoon material to serve as jewelry products, in order to produce products that have aesthetic and function value to waste plastic spoon. And is expected to produce more innovative outcomes than existing ones.
Keywords: waste, spoon, plastic, technique, heating






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode