Penerapan Hasil Eksplorasi Kulit Jagung Manis (zea Mays L.saccharata) Pada Produk Penunjang Interior


  • Rini Rohaeni Telkom University
  • Citra Puspitasari Telkom University



Corn is one of foods in Indonesia. One kind of corn is sweet corn. Sweet corn usually proceed in various kins of processed. But from the processed of sweet corn that can produce sweet corn husk about nine kilogram in one day, that usually discarded. Corn husk usually processed into animal feed, srapped food, and materials craft. In this research will be done corn husk waste exploration used weaving technique into a interior product. Starting with the process of scouring, bleaching, dye fibers, yarn maker, and then made into a sheet used weaving technique that produce a sheet of textile. The purpose of this research is to make use of corn husk as raw materials a product textile the interior that has function and can raise economic value. This research uses qualitative research method with data collection method that is, field observation, interview, literature study, and experiment. The result of exploration, that used weaving technique to corn husk can produce a strong fibre sheets and can be made into a product supporting the interior the walls and wall hanging.

Keywords : Corn Husk, Dye Fibers, Exploration Threads, Interior Textile, Weaving.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode