Perancangan Identitas Visual Dan Media Promosi Bir Pletok


  • Exshons Wicaksono Telkom University
  • Mohamad Tohir Telkom University


Abstrak : Jahe sudah menjadi bagian masyarakat Indonesia sudah sejak lama. Banyak minuman tradisional berbahan dasar jahe tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan nama yang berbeda. Salah satunya minuman tradisional asli Jakarta yaitu Bir Pletok. Dengan masyarakat mayoritas muslim yang berjumlah lebih dari 80% berdasarkan sensus tahun 2016 di Jakarta, penamaan “Bir Pletok†yang tersemat pada produk membuat permasalahan karena dianggap haram. Dengan melakukan pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, serta kuesioner dan melakukan analisis SWOT dan Matriks Perbandingan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun identitas visual yang baik agar mudah tertanam di benak konsumen, media promosi yang dirancang akan disesuaikan dengan minat dari target sasaran. Diharapkan hasil perancangan ini mampu merubah citra dan meningkatkan penjualan produk Bir Pletok. Kata kunci: Identitas Visual, Media Promosi, Bir Pletok. Abstract : Ginger has been part indonesians have long time. Many hot drink based ginger spread across indonesia with a different name. Currently so many traditional drinks are revolving in Jakarta with various names,one of the jakarta's signature traditional drink is Bir Pletok. With a Muslim-majority community with a figure of more than 80% in the 2016 census in Jakarta, there was a problem with the name "Bir". Moreover, Bir Pletok producers need to compete with competing products that continue to innovate with increasingly promotions rate. Plus the use of reconditioned packaging by the producers of Bir Pletok. By carrying out data by interviewing, as well as questionnaires and conducting a SWOT analysis and Comparison Matrix. This study aims to make good visual information so that it is easy to use by consumers, the promotional media that is designed will be adjusted to the objectives of the target. The results of this design helped Ayu Lestari as a producer to change the new image and increase of Bir Pletok products. Keyword: Identity Design, Promotional Media, Packaging to increase Bir Pletok sales.






Program Studi S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual