Perancangan Interior Erha Clinic Di Bandung


  • Siti Nurbayani Telkom University
  • Dea Aulia Widyaevan Telkom University
  • Aida Andrianawati Telkom University


Abstrak Masalah kulit yang disebabkan oleh stress dari aktivitas dan rutinitas seseorang dapat bermacam-macam seperti jerawat, komedo hingga perubahan warna kulit dan kulit wajah. Wadah yang menunjang untuk perawatan masalah kulit disebut dengan Skin Care. Salah satu skin care yang memiliki interior yang nyaman dan memiliki peminat yang terdiri dari masyarakat kalangan menengah ke atas adalah Erha Clinic. Erha Clinic melayani kebutuhan masyarakat di bidang dermatologi, selain itu fasilitas perawatan yang di tawarkan bermacam-macam. Salah satunya memberikan fasilitas khusus bagi pengunjung yang memnginginkan layanan lebih antara personal dengan waktu yang fleksibel pada ruangan yang nyaman yang dinamakan Erha Priority. Berdasarkan hasil survey di beberapa Erha Clinic di bandung, belum menerapkan adanya fasilitas Erha Priority, selain itu terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan interior ruang Erha Clinic, seperti sempitnya alur sirkulasi, tidak ada pemisah di ruang treatment anatara laki-laki dan perempuan, dan tidak ada pemisah antara lakilaki dan perempuan di toilet. Dalam perancangan Interior Erha Clinic Priority ini mengusung tema “Modern Skin†di ambil dari visi misi Erha itu sendiri. Tema Modern Skin ini mengambil konsep “skin tone†yang berarti warna kulit, warna kulit orang Indonesia yang mayoritas berwarna coklat diaplikasikan dalam bentuk konsep visual yang memberikan kenyamanan baik dari segi fasilitas ruang atau alur sirkulasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengunjung. Kata Kunci: Interior, Skin Care, Erha Clinic, Modern Skin. Abstract Skin problems caused by the stress of daily activities and routines can someone assortment such as acne, blackheads to skin discoloration and skin of the face. Container support for the treatment of skin problems are referred to as Skin Care. One skin care who have a comfortable interior and have a community that is comprised of enthusiasts among the top middle is Erha Clinic. Erha Clinic serving the needs of the community in the field of Dermatology, besides the care facilities on offer. One of them provide special facilities for visitors are among the more personal services ISSN : 2355-9349 e-Proceeding of Art & Design : Vol.5, No.3 Desember 2018 | Page 3176 memnginginkan with flexible time in the comfortable room called the Erha Priority. Based on the survey results in some of the Erha Clinic in bandung, not to apply the Priority Erha facility, in addition to that there are several problems related to the interior space of the Erha Clinic, as the narrowness of the circulation flow, there is no separating space treatment between men and women, and there is no separation between men and women in the toilet. In designing the Interior of the Erha Clinic Priority is carrying the theme "Modern Skin" taken from the vision of the Mission of the Erha itself. Modern Skin theme takes the concept of "skin tone" which means skin color, skin color people Indonesia mostly brown applied in the form of visual concepts that provide comfort both in terms of facilities or the circulation flow in space in accordance with the needs of visitors. Keywords: Interior, Skin Care, Erha Clinic, Modern Skin






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior