Pemanfaatan Kulit Ikan Nila Pada Produk Fesyen


  • Sofie Siti Salamah Telkom University
  • Aldi Hendrawan Telkom University


ABSTRACT Various studies reveal that tilapia skin will result the skin that can be used for garment products, therefore the students conduct interviews and observations in company owned by Mrs.Ningsih in Tangerang, and also of the various search data through social media to some domestic brand to ever make a product of tilapia skin. Students see that Tilapia skin potentially explored for fashion accessories products based on the elements of design. In an attempt to capitalize on the potential of the tilapia skin, creative ideas required to achieve it, one is designing fashion accessories products. In the design process, is applying references from the trend of Vigilant which aims to make products that fit the trend forecast Vigilant. Tilapia is a material that has characteristics similar to the character of Vigilant. The similarity of characters owned by Vigilant and fish skin underlying the Students chose these trends for combined in the design of fashion accessories products, with qualitative methods. With the above process the student produces a collection of fashion accessories shoes (shoes 6 pieces) with the technique of stitch and stack as a recommendation on the target market, business women. Keywords: Tilapia skin, Accessories Fashion, Design.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode