Perancangan Busana Kerja Multifungsi Untuk Wanita Pekerja Usia Produktif


  • Dea Niyeza Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Siagian Telkom University


Abstract In a highly developed era like this time most women with productive age, namely 23-35 years, take part in activities in the field of work. It is important for a person as a social human being that it affects the lifestyle, making women currently competing to work to fulfill it. For women workers in the industrial sector as well as the creative industry working is no longer limited to meeting basic needs, but also to fulfill the lifestyle of working more. Considering the limited time it has, it requires multifunctional work clothes that can be worn comfortably and practically used by the user to work and attend parties on weekdays. To be able to realize this multifunctional work clothing product, the design of work clothes was carried out with the application of patchwork techniques using lace material in the design of multifunctional clothing to be able to fulfill various activities in the field of work and others. Optimizing variations in design and function has great potential, seen in the needs of women workers for clothing that is practical and comfortable to use in working and attending parties. Keywords: Clothing, Work, Lifestyle, Multifunction and Lace






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode