Perancangan Busana Modest Wear Dengan Inspirasi Baju Kurung Dan Ornamen Pucuk Rebung


  • Asti Dwi Prihartini Telkom University
  • Morinta Rosandini Telkom University


ABSTRACT Muslim fashion trend is now growing rapidly, especially in Indonesia. Muslim fashion is divided into some types, one of them is called modest wear. Modest fashion means a way to get dressed politely and not provocatively. There is a traditional cloth that has the same principle as modest wear, called Baju Kurung. Baju kurung is Malay traditional cloth in Riau. This research has a purpose to create alternative designs of modest wear inspired by baju kurung and also use pucuk rebung ornaments as its local content. The research data are collected through qualitative method such as study of literature, observation and experiment. Study of literature and observation included collecting basic literature and also the development of modest wear, baju kurung and pucuk rebung ornament. Experiment process is done to explore the pattern composition of pucuk rebung ornament. The research result is a collection of modest wear which has five looks. The five of them has a loose, long and straight cut, which inspired by baju kurung itself. The color that used is a mix of Riau Malay specific color and light brown to broken white. Pucuk rebung ornament is applied to the fabric using digital print technique. Keywords: muslim fashion trend, modest wear, baju kurung, pucuk rebung ornament






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode