Perancangan Motif Dengan Inspirasi Permainan Tradisional Lompat Tali Untuk Busana Anak Perempuan Usia 8-11 Tahun


  • Nurlela Nurlela Telkom University
  • Fajar Ciptandi Telkom University


ABSTRACT Technological advances, especially in urban areas, affect the pattern of human life. One of which is a change in children's games where traditional games have been displaced by modern games. There are 2500 types of traditional games in Indonesia which consist of 3 classifications of traditional games including games outside the house, games in the house and folk games. Researchers have limited research by classifying games through 10 types of games outside the house in the Hong community. After being analyzed, the jump rope game is suitable for the characteristics of children's play at 8-11 years old. The problem in this study is related to the lack of children's knowledge about traditional games. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to introduce traditional games such as jump rope by using visual media due to children who tend to more easily capture information through visual. The research methodology used is mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative methods. The data collection process itself uses questionnaires, interviews, literature studies, observations and experimental methods. So, media to introduce traditional games is by processing elements of the traditional jump rope game to be used as a motif using the stylation technique. The motif of the game will be applied to fashion products in the form of girls' clothes aged 8-11 years with the classification of clothing in overall fashion. The application of motifs to clothing using surface textile techniques (digital printing and embroidery). By designing motifs that are applied to children's clothing products, it is expected that children can recognize traditional games and provide awareness for parents to pass on Indonesian culture to their children. Keywords: traditional games, motifs, children's clothing






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode