Perancangan Sarung Majalaya Untuk Busana Ready To Wear


  • Merah Delima Asih Bening Lestari Telkom University
  • Marissa Cory Agustina Siagian Telkom University


ABSTRACT Now days the production of sarongs in Majalaya is declining and experiencing the accumulation of unsold sarong, this has an impact on production and the selling value of the Majalaya sarong it self. So then this study aims to optimize the utilization of Majalaya woven sarongs to become a fashion product in the form of ready to wear clothing for women, which is considered to be rarely produced by Majalaya sarong industry players. That way, the Majalaya sarong users are expected to be wider and increase the selling value of the Majalaya sarong it self. The research method that used in this study is the search for primary and secondary data. Where the primary data consists of observations and surveys directly to the Majalaya factory and weaving sarong distributor, conducting interviews with the Majalaya sarong industry players, identifying and classifying sarong fabrics and exploring sketch designs. For secondary data consists of journals, theses, and articles that support the course of this study. The results of this study are ready to wear fashion products for women who have a form of wearing sarongs in general, using earth tone colors. Keyword: Sarong, Majalaya sarongs, ready to wear, fashion.






Program Studi S1 Kriya Tekstil dan Mode