Redesain Interior Museum Zoologi Bogor


  • Aulia Inti Pratiwi Telkom University
  • Rizka Rachmawati Telkom University
  • Ratri Wulandari Telkom University


ABSTRAK Museum Zoologi Bogor merupakan museum yang menyajikan koleksi benda pamer tubuh hewan baik benda pamer yang bersifat asli maupun replica. Museum Zoologi Bogor ini merupakan wadah yang sangat bagus untuk pembelajaran di bidangnya, terutama untuk generasi muda anak Indonesia. Namun kurangnya penataan alur benda pamer yang sesuai dengan visi dan misi Museum Zoologi Bogor, serta kurangnya fasilitas pendukung pada Museum Zoologi yang dapat membantu dalam pembelajaran di bidangnya untuk generasi muda. Oleh karena itu diperlukannya redesain Interior Museum Zoologi Bogor dengan membuat alur benda pamer yang sesuai dengan visi dan misi Museum Zoologi Bogor dengan pensuasanaan alam yang meliputi ruang benda pamer dan ruang untuk fasilitas pendukungnya, agar pengunjung dapat merasakan sensasi pengalaman ruang sambil mempelajari ilmu dibidang zoologi. Redesain Interior Museum Zoologi Bogor ini diharapkan mencapai hasil yang optimal sehingga dapat membawa dampak positif bagi semua penggunanya. Kata Kunci : Museum Zoologi Bogor, redesain, interior, fasilitas, display ISSN : 2355-9349 e-Proceeding of Art & Design : Vol.5, No.3 Desember 2018 | Page 3534 ABSTRACT Museum of Zoology Bogor is a museum who presents a collection of body of an animal exhibition object which is natural exhibition object as well as the replica. Museum of zoology Bogor is a place that which is very excellent for learning lessons in their field , especially to the young generation of indonesian children .Nevertheless the lack of a the arrangement of the plot of exhibiton object in accordance with the vision and mission Museum of Zoology Bogor and the lack of the physical support facilities on museum of zoology that would be able to help in their experiences in the its field for the generation of young. For that reason, there is need for redesign the interior of Museum of Zoology Bogor by making a plot of exhibiton object in accordance with the vision and mission of zoology museum bogor with nature atmosphere which includes exhibition object rooms and supporting rooms , so that visitors could also feel a sensation of those room experiences while they studies the science of zoology . Redesigning the interior of museum of zoology bogor is expected to achieve optimum result so that it can be bringing positive impacts basic education program for all a threat to the users. Key Word : Museum of Zoology Bogor, redesign, interior, facility, displ






Program Studi S1 Desain Interior