Signs Of Balinese Culture On Campaign Billboard Of “Dpd Ri” Candidate In Bali Election Year 2014


  • I Wayan Agus Eka Cahyadi Telkom University
  • Ni Ketut Rini Astuti Telkom University


This study seeks to provide a scientific explanation of the phenomenon of the use of signs on the billboard campaign Balinese culture of Region Candidate Council (DPD) member candidates in the electoral district of Bali province. In the 2014 legislative election campaigns, billboards still a lot of candidates selected as a media campaign. Various ways and strategies was did to attract the attention of voters. One of them tapped the signs of Balinese culture on display billboards.  The purpose of this study was to determine how the signs of Balinese culture which is displayed on the billboards, and the meaning of the signs of the Balinese culture. This research is a descriptive qualitative research object is the billboard campaign Region Candidate Council (DPD) candidates in the electoral district of Bali. Data were collected by means of documentation and literature. Stages of analysis: the first data collected are grouped and identified to provide an explanation of the signs displayed Balinese culture. Secondly, by using semiotic analysis to determine the meaning of the contained use of cultural signs.  Conclusion produced signs of Balinese culture appear in illustrations, text and color billboards. Meaning that arise from the use of signs that culture is a self-image of the Balinese identity and myths that accompany these signs.  Keywords: Billboards, meaning, bali culture


