The Study of Potrait Photography in Political Advertising Campaign


  • Andrianto Suryagani Efendy Telkom Univerisity
  • Siti Desintha Telkom University


Photographic portrait has a perfect representative capability, so it is often used to produce imaging. The power of photography as an imaging is believed very strongly influencing the public, this is because the portrait photographic is capable of issuing the imaging sign languages explicitly, real and clear, so that the messages  such  imaging  can  easily  influence  and  convince  the  public  either  consciously  or  unconsciously. Indonesia carries out the general election every five years, whether it is the Legislature and the Executive. One perceived visually most effective is through the medium of photography that is portraiture. Semiotics and qualitative methods are used as a scalpel analysis in this study. In order that,  it can be realized that the influence  of  portrait  photography  is  able  to  provide  more  value  to  the  individual  as  well  as  affecting  the public in giving the confidence value to the object in the photo. 

Keywords: Photography, Imaging, Politic campaign.  


