Superhero Comic With Local Cultural Identity for The Preservation of The Environment


  • Tandrie Putra Rahmanda Telkom University
  • Syarip Hidayat Telkom University


The environment damage by human activities has become a crucial problem thath continously encourage. Important valeu of protecting the environment can be planted to child until become adult. this value of kindness and change the mindset since childhood certainly easier than when fully grown. superheroes is a fictional character of a person who uses costumes and have a certain ability to  do good and fight evil. Children love super hero, super hero trough the absorb the value of goodness contained therein. Superheros are favored child is dominated by foreign super heroes that also contains the values and culture of foreign contries. Indonesia is a shortage of superheroes with their local cultural identity as a role model for children. Many indgenous peoples such as the Dayak indonesia and Java have a culture and wisdom in harmony with the encironment and have a visual identity that can be developed into a more popular and modern. The story of a new superhero contain of Indonesian local wisdom on the environment, it can be a role model for Indonesian children to protect the encironment in addtion to the value of local knowledge, visual indentity can also be applied in the design of super hero characters as the development of a culture become a popular form that can be enjoyed ypung generation.


