Small Medium Enterprise Tofu Packaging
Other than absorbing the most employment and in some areas, is one of the economic driving force, small medium enterprises are also dominant contributor to the Gross Domestic Product. Moreover, the increasing health awareness of eating more vegetable protein makes small medium enterprise products such as tofu becomes a high protein healthy food to gave good chances to be marketed into a prestigous food. the problem is that people tend to view tofu as food for commoners. It requires breakthrough branding and packaging designs that can make tofu into prestigious consumer products. Through field observation method on the tofu manufacturer and tofu packaging used by small medium enterprises, library research and interviews to producers and consumers, the necessary data has been obtained as the basis for designing the branding and packagin of tofu production for small medium enterprise. This study aims to help small and medium enterprises, especially artisan tofu maker in Bandung, through the design identity and packagin design so that the product marketing problems of tofu small medium enterprise can be improved.
Keywords: Tofu, Packagin design, Small medium enterprise