Herbochi, Research Emotional Of The Glass


  • Desie Suci Permata Sari Indonesia University
  • Oky Cahyanto Brawijaya University
  • Mutia Puspita Sari Brawijaya University
  • Alvianty Novitasari Muhammadiyah University


Researcher is a scholar who can, or will in time through learning and experience, demonstrate specialized knowledge or expertise, conceptual and intellectual capacities such as the ability to identify and frame key problems, to think critically and analytically, and to generate and communicate interesting and original insights. Scientific research adheres to a set of strict protocols and long established structures. The correct and most common term used in science is that we are conducting a literature review. Undergraduate students, master degree students, PhD students or other diclipline students must finish their research before graduate. Research mostly make student impressed, oppressed, depressed, and more research emotional aspect. Cognition and emotion is two aspect who affect researchers. Scientists now understand that emotion is a necessary part of life, affecting how people feel, how people behave, and how people think. Beside that glass is a ubiquitous material in modern life. It‘s used in windows, tableware, containers, jewelry, and of course much more. Glass was discovered more than 5,000 years ago. Glass takes one million years to break down naturally. Glass can be recycled an infinite number of times without loss any loss of quality. Herbochi recycling glass to unnormal and unpredictable art glass that designing research emotional into the glass. Grand student especially under research will find their soul in every transformation of herbochi design.

Keywords: Herbochi, Glass, Recycle Glass, Research Emotional, Emotional Design.


