Video Design As A Guide Of The Basic Movements In Breakdance In Indonesian Language


  • Denny Fadli Fitrianto Telkom University
  • Rizki Yantami Arumsari Telkom University


Indonesian  people  appreciation  for breakdancing,  is  quite large,  many  of them  are interested  to learn  the moves  breakdancing  when  they  watch  TV,  social media,  and Youtube.  The  learning method  of breakdancing   movements   mostly  self-taught  through  video  tutorials  on  Youtube  and  using  the  foreign language  so it make some  of the breakdancer  feels difficulty  to learn  independently.  However,  to learn this dance is not easy, there must be special  supervision or guidance of learning a right breakdance  movement  to avoid the risk  such injuries, a media  is needed  to guide or learn the basic movements  of breakdance.  The methods that used are interview, observation,  questionnaire,  and literature study. Video is the right media to provide  a guide because  it  can provide  a guide  quickly  and effective.  The result  of this research  is  video guides in Indonesian  language that contain a complete  learning  content movement,  stretching guide to avoid the injury and some tips to learning the movement. This video will be uploaded on Youtube.

 Keywords: Breakdancing,  Video, Media,  Guidance


