Narrative Discourse Analysis Of Viral Video Ad Volvo 'Epic Of Split'
Advertising  is one of the sectors targeted in the promotion of creative industries by the Indonesian government  in this era. This condition creates a greater competition in the advertising world that demands all advertising  practitioners  to  innovate  and  be  more  creative  in  order  to  survive.  This  qualitative  study investigates  anarrativediscourseanalysis  of viral  video  ads  Volvo  'the Epic  of Split'  which  won  various international  awards,  one  of them  was  at the  Cannes  Lions  Festival  in  2014  for  Creative  Effectiveness category.  This study analyzes the narrative discourse of the ads and the meaning of its visual relationship  as a component  of copywriting  in advertising  discourse,  in addition to describe the denotative  and connotative meanings  in it. Theoretically,  this study  can enrich the understanding  of narrative  discourse concerning  viral video ads, particularly  for Volvo products.  In the field of Visual  Communication  Design,  the research  also can  be  a reference  for  solving  problems  in  creative  process  such  as  copywriting,  creative  writing  and semiotics.  The method  used is descriptive  qualitative  data using  codification,  presenting  it with the matrix and concluding the data.
Keywords: discourse analysis, Â semiotic, Â copywriting, Â viral video ads