Interactive Comic As Safety Riding Campaign Media Based Multimedia Technology


  • Godham Eko Saputro Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Toto Haryadi Dian Nuswantoro University
  • Dzuha Hening Yanuarsari Dian Nuswantoro University


The mobility requirement  of society is one of the factor that causes traffic jam.  By referring to the data which released by Central Bureau of Statistic (BPS), during the last  10 years (2003-2013), the ownership of vehicles  had  increased about ±  25,5%  anually. It means  that the traffic jam  is  caused  by increasing of motorcyclists  in Indonesia  and has  been  given  impact on possibility  of accidents.  In fact, main  factor  of accidents which occurs on the highway is not caused by vehicle condition, but caused by human behaviour  in driving  activity. This research  aims to educate  the riders  through  "Safety  Riding"  campaign  to reduce  the number of traffic accidents on highway.  The analysis of the problem is described  descriptively-qualitatively by referring to the results of interview, observation,  and study of literature.  The design of interactive comic as education media  for safety riding  campaign  is developed  using MDLC  approach  (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) and SMCR communication  model (Source, Message, Channel, Receiver).  The outcome form this research  is interactive  comic media about safety riding which can be implemented  on tablet PC devices. The conclusion  of this research, interactive  comic of "safety  riding"  is one of the multimedia  interaction forms which potential for supporting safety riding campaign.


Keywords  Comic, Interactive multimedia,  safety riding



