Visual Analysis Bakul Boardgame Design


  • Alfons Christian Hardjana Soegijapranata Catholic Univerisity
  • Peter Ardhianto Soegijapranata Catholic Univerisity


Smes is one of important ecomonic target markets witchin the city of semarang. SMEs offer products hacing local insight. But SME's product can not compete with foreign products. This is because the lack of SME's product's promotion to the target market. At the same time, happened a phenomena that information at the a  board game. A boardgame bring up direct interaction to a target market so the information ath the a boardgam can be a perceived directly by his target markets. See this phenomena, a boardgame that has a story about SME's product in semarang created aas SMEs media promotion. A boardgame called Balap Kuliner or Bakul tells the story of SME's product sold in central souvernir the city of Semarang. This research uses the literature study, observation, and an interview to search for data. This research interviewed Ardiawan Bagus Harisa, Bakul boardgame designer and Yuanita Rani, give enterpreneurship the office for cooperatives and SMEs (DINKOP) the city of semarang. The purpose of this research to know a boardgame design could deliver information and an interesting and innovatiove romotion. The research show the importance of visual in the boardgame to promote SMEs. This research analysis is using design elements, like colour, layout, typogrhaphy, and illustration


