Visual Art in Indian Society: Social Issues and Awareness


  • Milind Dhobey DYPCAAC


India is the second largest populated country with diversified culture and social reforms. There are beliefs and faiths in the community. Social issues and awareness about it is a real big task. The awareness campaign through visual media plays very important role. The literate and illiterate people get benefited from the visual campaign. Social issues like racism/caste, social taboos, cleanliness, illiteracy and unawareness of health  and  diseases,  sixty  percent  population  lives  in  the  village  for  them  visual  media  like  poster,  wall advertisements, handouts etc. are generally used, where the visuals are strong. There are some issues related to social awareness and directly related to planning for the society, like water conservation, social forestry, conservation  of  energy  resources,  these  issues  are  handled  by  the  government  and  by  some  nonprofit organization (NGO).The social problem is made aware to the public to find out the solution by awareness campaign.  And visual communication is the most  effective communication in the public domain.  Country like  India,  the  visual  campaign  for  social  awareness  plays  most  important  role.  The  polio  eradication campaign is an example of the success of the visual campaign. 

Keywords: Visual arts, Social awareness, Change, Emotional appeal 


