Work Ethic In Building Productive Behaviors On The Small Medium Enterprises Dealing With Creative Industries Development In Bandung City


  • Anissa Lestari Kadiyono Padjadjaran University
  • Hanny Hafiar Padjadjaran University
  • Aldi Ardillo Padjadjaran University


The development of creative industries that occurred in the Bandung city in an attempt to answer the Asean Economic Community (AEC) that also have an impact on the industrial centers, including Cibaduyut Shoes Center. The planning process is needed, especially from the human resources (HR) that should be analyzed so that they can outline the potential of Small Medium Enterprises in The Cibaduyut Shoes Center as one of the region's local economic development in the face of the creative industries development in Bandung. The performance generated by the perpetrators of the SME's Cibaduyut Shoes Center is related to their behavior at the time work.This research aims to get an idea about the role of work ethic in building productive behavior on the perpetrators of the SMEs Sentra Cibaduyut Shoes. Work ethic is a person's attitude towards the meaning of the work which is the driving force for the success of the business which he had hoped for. This is a commitment to the value and importance of hard working. There is an attempt in it to be an independent and strong tendency in expressing himself as well as the willingness to take responsibility, make decisions, and work productively is shown through productive behaviors. The research design used was a non-experimental correlation method using survey data collection methods. The technique of data collection is done through in-depth interviews, observations, questionnaires, and focus group discussions. This research conduct in 71 respondents of SMEs in Cibaduyut Shoes Center. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between work ethic and productive behavior. This study also provides a model relationship between work ethic and productive behavior on SMEs in Cibaduyut Shoes Center. It will provide a mapping of the current condition and can be used as a foundation for work ethic and productive behavior development in the future in order to increase the advancement of themselves, SMEs, and society in general, especially in facing the AEC.

Keywords: Work Ethic, Productive Behaviour, Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Asean Economic Community


