Studies on Culture and Creative economics in Belgium (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia)


  • Elisabetta Lazzaro HKU Academy of The Arts Utrecht


In recent decades, new forces, such as China, Russia and Brazil, have emerged in the international contemporary art market as part of the creative economy. At the same time the art market is becoming more visible globally, with the same art galleries and the same artists can be exhibited in different art exhibitions. For example, between 2008 and 2015 creative economic growth in Brussels has increased rapidly, from 37% in 2007 to 75% by 2015. In this paper we propose answering questions such as: How is the opportunity given by a creative entity to a particular creative person from a particular country represented in another country like Belgium at the international level? Can we observe the trends of art and the creative economy in the last decade? What is the underlying? Implications? By applying a cluster analysis, we map the creative economy market and look for trends according to the level of diversity in terms of art and artists or designers represented by exhibitions at international and national levels in Europe. To develop this analysis, we have established partnerships with to get unique data about exhibitions in Europe.

Author Biography

Elisabetta Lazzaro, HKU Academy of The Arts Utrecht

Professor of Creative Economy


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