The Existence of Batik Esuk-Sore Pekalongan Style


  • Muhammad Arif Jati Purnomo Indonesian Institute of the Art in Surakarta


The purpose of this research is to examine the existence of Esuk-Sore batik style in Pekalongan. This research uses qualitative research methodology, with descriptive research form, supported by phenomenology theory of hermeneutics, sociology, and aesthetics. Research location covers Pekalongan City, and ex Residency of Pekalongan. The data sources include informants consisting of culturalists, historians, collectors, designers, batik entrepreneurs as well as data in the form of batik cloth artifacts, hard copies / soft copies of documents, sosifact and mentifact. The results of this study indicate the existence or existence of batik style Esuk-Sore in Pekalongan still maintained artifact, especially on sinjang. In the Esuk-Sore style is no longer used in marriage ceremony or welcome the Chinese new year, but essentially the concept of Esuk-Sore (concept of mix-match to produce harmony) is widely used for fashion trends that develop today.


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