Hermeneutics Studies On Representation Of Merry Riana On Her Biography Cover Design
The development of book, both on cover or content, has been changed depending on the trend of design at that time. Nowadays, among many various books, biography is a kind of book that attracts readers. Biographies are becoming more frequently published, both written by writer and the figures themselves. Most of the covers of the biography always show the figure in the form of photos or similar pictures of oneself in one distinctiveness of each character. Merry Riana was the figure of female motivator whose biography had been published. These two biographies also described the life journey of Merry Riana in achieving success in her life. This study wanted to see how the figure of Merry Riana as a female motivator was represented in the cover design of her biography, which is the subject of the study is the cover design of the books entitled Mimpi Sejuta Dolar and Langkah Sejuta Suluh. This study used qualitative method with the approach of Gadamer's hermeneutics. The results of this study were to show that a female motivator, Merry Riana, who was illustrated in the cover design of the book, was a woman who was brave and determined to reach the peak of success.References
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