The Contribution of Sculptor Artist (Edhi Sunarso) to The Development of Indonesia


  • Donny Trihanondo Telkom University
  • Didit Endriawan Telkom University
  • Teddy Ageng Maulana Telkom University
  • Tri Haryotedjo Telkom University


Edhi Sunarso is one of the well-known sculptors in Indonesia. There are a lot of monumental works had been created by Edhi Sunarso in strategic places in Indonesia. Edhi Sunarso had produced works that would become a symbol of a historic memorial in Indonesia. There are works such as the West Irian Liberation Monument in Jakarta, Sacred Pancasila Monument (Pancasila Sakti) Lubang Buaya, Selamat Datang Monument, Dirgantara Monument (also known as Gatot Kaca Monument) in Jakarta, Tugu Muda Monument in Semarang, General Achmad Yani Monument in Bandung, General Gatot Subroto Monument in Surakarta, Yos Sudarso Monument in Surabaya, and others. The concepts of creation in the works of Edhi Sunarso were influenced by the thought of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely Bung Karno. One of them was a statue of West Irian Liberation, which described the struggles of West Irian (Papua) to be free from Dutch colonial rule. This study examines the works of Edhi Sunarso with the method of art criticism and the scientific approach of Sociology of Art. With these two scientific approachs, this research is expected to give new insight to the public about the role of Edhi Sunarso as an artist in the development of the Indonesian nation in particular and for the international world in general. Besides that, this research could also enrich the culture and thought for the development of art in Indonesia.


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