Interior of Pracimayasa as the Cultural Inheritance of Solo City in Creative Industry


  • Sunarmi Sunarmi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Bani Sudardi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Pande Made Sukerta Indonesian Art Institute of Surakarta
  • Titis Srimuda Pitana Universitas Sebelas Maret


Interior of Pracimayasa as the cultural inheritance of Solo city in creative industry is a cultural studies research. The problem of research was how the preservation of Pracimayasa‟s interior as the cultural pledge building in creative industry. The interior of Pracimayasa as the noble family‟s residence always represents Javanese ethic and etiquette in vis-à-vis to modern life. This research employed critical deconstruction theory supported with visual communication semiotic theory with hermeneutic approach. The study was expected to give the opportunity of developing creativity in interpreting text, the interior of cultural pledge building. Data collection was carried out using observation, interview, document study, and library study. Data validation was conducted using data triangulation. The result of research showed that (1) rationality in modernism resulted in new awareness that interior of Pracimayasa as the cultural heritage became tourist package in dinner or lunch tour in global era interpreted as the recognition through deconstruction process, thereby generating new interpretation and understanding on the interior of Pracimayasa, (2) the characteristics of Pracimayasa‟s interior should be the source of interior designing idea in global era in realizing the concept of interior esthetic balanced and harmonious with its cosmos to achieve the harmonization of civilization in global era.


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