The Existence of Crowdsourcing Graphic Designers in Indonesia


  • Taufik Murtono Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta
  • Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen Telkom University


This study focused at crowdsourcing in graphic design as internet phenomenon that bring designers and clients all around the world together in competition system. Designers offered designs, and the chosen designs would get rewards. Indonesia became one of the world’s biggest source at crowdsourcing in graphic design. The questions are: How was the existence of crowdsourcing graphic designers in Indonesia? Grounded theory method was used in the research with the consideration as an effective method for reviewing the perception, feeling, and attitude of an individual towards the matter. Research reveals the pros-cons that accompany the progress of the matter in Indonesia. It also revealed designers’ motivation that brings Indonesia become world’s biggest potential. Both aspects would describe their existence in Indonesia. Their existence is highlighted by their involvement and motivation. Designers acknowledge others’ role in guiding them. Their shortcoming was the lack of comprehension; therefore, occasionally they violated intellectual rights. The motivation in seeking, expanding network, upgrading skill, getting direct job, and raising assets, caused the growth of crowdsourcing in Indonesia. Result of the study gave opportunity to junior designers in building their portfolios, assisting financially, and as the alternative for conventional graphic design industry. Crowdsourcing also regarded as disadvantage because of the doubtful work quality since the system was opened for everyone. Research’s findings would benefit the education and graphic design industry as knowledge from non-formal sector with all the uniqueness. The main uniqueness was that they learn and work independently hence in the end would deliver graphic designs that oft do not submit to the formal principles.


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