Designing Promotion Of New Ngelepen Tourism Destination Village


  • Agata Hepy Puspitasari Telkom University
  • Yelly A. Barlian Telkom University


New Ngelepen Tourism Village is a village that has unique characteristics in the form of home architecture. The village is also famous for its anti earthquake house. In addition to home architecture, New Ngelepen has a diverse tour package, ranging from fun games, home stay, tracking, birthday, package activities and art. New Ngelepen has been considered a tourist village since its first construction of the village as a housing complex of the earthquake disaster victims. The location is very strategic, seen from the position of New Ngelepen which is close to Ijo Temple, Prambanan Temple and other tourist attractions around Sleman. However, the authors found problems that need to be improved and developed, ranging from unstructured promotional activities, and the utilization of minimal promotional media. Therefore it is necessary to design creative strategies and visual media in order to promote New Ngelepen Tourism Village. The design method used is qualitative with observation, interview, literature study, and distributing questionnaires as data collection techniques. The main theories used in this design are promotion, advertising and Visual Communication Design. The results of this design in the form of creative strategies is obtained through the AISAS method. It is to produce the design of events and visual media that can attract the attention of target audiences to come to New Ngelepen Tourism Village. This designing of the creative promotion strategy of New Ngelepen Tourism Village is expected to help the Village Tourism New Ngelepen to increase visitors and attract the attention of the community, especially young people as a target audience.


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