Dolalak in Branding Activities of Purworejo Regency, Central Java


  • Agus Budi Setyawan Universitas Mercu Buana
  • Didit Widiatmoko Soewardikoen Telkom University


Dolalak dance art in Purworejo Regency as one of manifestation of traditional art, its presence is the continuity of cultural life that has rooted from generation to generation which becomes one of culture manifestation. Along with its development, Dolalak is used in activity of city branding conducted by local government of Purworejo Regency. However, the use of Dolalak in branding activities of Purworejo Regency has risks considering that Dolalak which is developing in some rural areas of Purworejo shows dance movements characteristic which tends to be erotic with the costumes worn by the dancers look tighter, this can certainly raise negative perception for some people who watch it. Started from that problem then the questions of this research are why Dolalak is chosen to support branding activities of Purworejo Regency and how the manifestation of Dolalak is in branding activities of Purworejo Regency. It is to understand how Dolalak’s position and role are in branding activities conducted by the local government of Pur-worejo Regency. This research used qualitative paradigm by using ethnographic approach, data collection was done through participant observation and in-depth interview, and data analysis was made by using matrix analysis model. The results of this study revealed that Dolalak as one of traditional arts that still exist and are popular in Purworejo society serves as art icon which was presented in the form of performances and was transformed into various visual communication media to meet the communication needs in branding activities of Purworejo Regency. The results of this study is useful to provide an overview for other regencies or cities that will conduct city branding by using their own traditional art.


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