Comparative Study of Environmental Friendly Concept on Fashion in Indonesia


  • Arini Arumsari Telkom University
  • Agus Sachari Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Andryanto Rikrik Kusmara Institut Teknologi Bandung


Rapid development of fashion industry in Indonesia provides good opportunities and potentials for fashion products in Indonesia, where at a closer look, it is also provides bad impacts towards the environment and community. The bad impacts come from the usage of non-eco-friendly materials, industrial waste that is not optimally processed, low quality product with short lifetime cycle, manpower issues, and so on. To cope with the bad effects, an eco-friendly fashion concept is created by using several terms such as: sustainable fashion; eco-fashion, ethical fashion or organic fashion. Those terms are gained from previous researches performed by the researcher herself and other references and researches. Result of the research shows that many terms are found to refer to a fashion development concept with environmental awareness. Therefore, based on the finding above and to optimize the implementation of fashion concept with environmental awareness on fashion industry in Indonesia, firstly, it needs meticulous and comprehensive identification and elaboration towards various terms of the said concept. To get comprehensive data for this research, qualitative method is performed through literature study, observation, and interview. It is expected that the final result will provide a proper direction to implement the fashion concept with en - vironmental awareness on fashion industry in Indonesia.


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