The Spirit to Conserve Wayang Kulit through E-Commerce


  • Emi Widiyanti Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Deny Tri Ardianto Universitas Sebelas Maret


Electronic Commerce has been growing for over a decade. In addition to the support of technological advances, the community's need for effective and efficient trade transactions is also contributing to the great number of emerging online stores. One of them is online shop that sells tatah sungging (leather carving) products especially wayang kulit (leather puppets). Through, the villagers of Sidowarno Klaten are trying to market their products to a more global level. This study aims to identify the adoption level of tatah sungging artisans in practicing e-commerce, as well as to explore the obstacles faced by the artisans in conserving wayang kulit through online stores. This research uses qualitative approach with interactive analysis model. The data used in this study are primary data obtained through interviews and direct observation.


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