Comparative Analysis on Jogging Jacket Product for Urban Society (Case Study : Society of Bandung City)


  • Iqbal Ghiffari Telkom University
  • Muchlis Muchlis Telkom University


Jogging is one of the kind of sport that the urban societies loves in order to maintain their health. When doing jogging, urban people tend to need a variety of support items, these items are usually stored in a jacket pocket that they use when jogging. This way of storing creates discomfort while doing jogging, it is caused by the movement of items that stored inside the jacket pockets that they use when jogging, the items moving into opposite direction to the direction of body move-ment. To solve this discomfort problems, a research is done using descriptive qualitative research method which will be followed by data collecting technique through survey, field observation, interview and literature study, then data which have been obtained, will be analyzed using comparative method. The comparative method is implemented by comparing several jogging jacket products with different storing positions. Based on the results of the analysis, it is found that the characteristics of a jacket that appropriate for the urban society is a jacket that has a limited space of storage and the storage has to be place right next to the body so the movement of the goods will move into the same direction as the movement of the body, so the movement of the goods into the opposite direction with the body can be minimized.


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